First day of spring: Is your grass springtime green?

Mar 20, 2017

If your grass doesn't look like spring, Endurant TE can help.

Just as it was time to spring forward the clocks, many turf lovers felt more like they were flung back into winter. Endurant TE, a turf color enhancer for growing grass, helps turfgrass professionals transition smoothly from winter to spring. Late season frosts and snowstorms have many lawns, golf courses and sod farms not quite looking like spring. Endurant TE will bring spring to your customers, golfers, and visitors by giving the green color they desire. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Endurant TE is applied to paspalum at the rate of 20 ounces per acre to provide a rich springtime green grass color. Endurant TE is applied on paspalum turfgrass at the rate of 20 ounces per acre to provide a rich springtime green grass color to the golf course. Photo source: Ken Lee, CGCS[/caption]

Endurant TE provides springtime green during the seasonal transition

Golf courses, home lawns and sod farms across the country, even throughout the world, are getting springtime green using Endurant turf color enhancer. As turfgrass goes from winter dormancy to spring growth, Endurant TE is a pigment to give the healthy green grass color golfers, visitors and many homeowners expect to see.
"Early in the spring, it's not quite warm enough and not quite green enough. Many areas are greening up some, but not quite the turf color is not quite there yet. If they're mowing, it's growing enough for Endurant TE to get the green where professionals, and especially golf course members, expect it to be in early spring," Jennifer Seevers, a turf and colorant specialist with Geoponics.
Some Endurant TE users apply the pigment every two to three weeks, others put a little in their tanks every time they go out, said Seevers.
"Don't wait on iron, fertilizer or overwatering. Using Endurant TE, it's easier, it's cheaper and it's instant," said Seevers.
Endurant TE is formulated for actively growing grass and is the colorant of choice for achieving springtime green during the seasonal transition. Endurant TE can be applied every few weeks to growing grass or added at lower application rates to each spray cycle to continually add more color with each application. Endurant TE has a multipurpose use as both a turf color enhancer for an ideal shade of healthy spring green and as an indicator dye for golf course superintendents and other turf care professionals.
“This month, everyone is applying Endurant TE for enhancing actively growing grass and getting that springtime green. Many users also apply Endurant TE as their indicator dye, adding it every week to their application mixes and building on the color as they go. It’s a fantastic way to transition,” said Gantt Martin, of Geoponics.
Endurant TE is easy to use and mix with other products, making it an ideal choice for regular usage or by occasional users. Endurant TE, like all the Endurant colorant products in the full line of Endurant turf colorants, can mask discoloration caused by other chemical treatments or enrich color from existing chlorophyll levels. Endurant TE is the colorant of choice among professionals and home users looking for natural green grass color while chlorophyll levels continue to enrich through the spring. If chlorophyll is lacking and the grass is growing slowly or not at all, another, shade of green from another Endurant turf colorant in the line may be preferred. Check out the full Endurant turf colorant line for other colors. Endurant TE is equipment friendly as well as tank-mix compatible with fertilizers and other chemicals. Endurant TE is often applied at a rate of 16 to 24 ounces per acre. Increase or decrease the application rate to reach the desired color depth. Turf conditions such as chlorophyll levels and rate of photosynthesis; equipment calibration and other conditions influencing grass depth of color cause suggested application and coverage rates to vary. In rare cases as many as 32 ounces per acre are applied.

Learn more about Endurant TE:

Endurant TE poster  

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