Choosing the best lawn paint for me?

Sep 08, 2015
Lawn Paint Color
Choosing a Lawn Paint Color

Choosing the best lawn paint for your grass type one of the most frequently asked questions about Endurant turf colorants. "What color paint is best for my grass?" Although it may seem like there should be a simple answer to that question, it is actually a little more complex in the response.

When choosing the best lawn paint color, you should take into consideration the turf color and vitality you are starting with.  For example, if you are starting with 60% green fescue, you still have green in the leaf blade.  Hence, you have to take into consideration the color you will end up with is a combination of the 60% blue green / 40% brown color of the fescue and the color you choose to paint the turf with.  For this situation two things should be taken into consideration. One, is the amount of the lawn paint needed for even coverage and second and hue needed to afford a natural looking color of grass.

Best Grass Paint
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Which grass paint is best for me?

With regard to the above example, we would also need to take into consideration that only 40% of the turf has turned brown so we would not need as much lawn paint paint as we would if the turf was 100% dormant or even working with dead grass.  In this case, it would be better to build upon the existing green of the fescue with one of the colors that is more geared toward a cool season grass color.  In this situation, we would suggest either the Endurant FW Concentrate or the Endurant TC.  The blend of the existing blue green in the leaf blade and FW Concentrate or the TC will yield a very natural end result.  The FW and the TC both lend themselves to the cool season turf colors or excellent for enhancing existing green.

On the other hand, if you have a dry brown lawn, with drought conditions with little to no green, or maybe dormant warm season turf, it would be better to use either the lawn paint Endurant Premium Concentrate or the Endurant PR Concentrate.  The reason being is that you are simply going to need more paint to cover the leaf blade and the more paint you put on the more pronounced the hue becomes.  The Endurant Premium and Endurant PR are hued more to the summer Bermuda or St. Augustine colors.  This allows you to apply more product for coverage without becoming too dark which can affect the natural appearance of the lawn.

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