Painting Dormant Bermuda Greens with Endurant Turf Paint

Sep 07, 2015
[caption id="attachment_84" align="alignnone" width="2500"]Painting dormant grass Painting dormant grass[/caption] See Endurant Turf Paint being applied on Ultradwarf Bermuda Green using a hand gun and Endurant Turf Paint in the video below. Painting vs overseeding has become the best choice agronomically, economically and environmentally for turf professionals.  There are two main decisions to make when painting dormant Bermuda grass greens:
  1. Choosing the best paint
  2. Selecting the most suitable pumps and sprayers

Choosing the best paint: Endurant liquid overseed

Turf professionals share why Endurant is the best choice. Endurant is the favorite among turf care professionals and golf course superintendents because of Endurant's natural color, lasting richness, contribution to earlier spring time green up by increasing temperature, ease of use, lack of clogging in pumps and sprayers, ease in blending, earth-friendly aspects, economics, agronomic benefits and aesthetic appeal.

What Golf course superintendents say about using Endurant turf paint on dormant Bermuda grass:

  • "The color is blending well and still looks rich after two months. The Endurant paint looks like a really nice, rich, overseeded green even two months after it's been painted. The Endurant holds up even as the grass is completely dormant. The color, the darkness and retention is all the paint because of the extreme cold weather we've had." 
  • "We really like Endurant because it retains color and helps the grass green up faster in the spring. We choose agronomy over aesthetics. With Endurant we get both as it looks natural." 
  • "I really like the Endurant paint. It mixes well, doesn't clog up and is really nice on our pumps, which we can't say about a lot of the other paints we've tried."

What golf course superintendents say about spraying Endurant turf paint on golf greens using a hand gun versus a boom sprayer for painting dormant turf:

Choosing whether to use a boom or a handgun for painting grass is the next decision to make. Selecting lawn painting equipment is simple, but important when painting dormant greens. The advantage of the boom can be the ease in applying the turf paint. The advantage of the handgun can be more uniformity in coverage and precision along edges with easier touchups when painting dormant turf.
  • "There are no triangles, no streaks. The hand gun cuts it right in. It looks beautiful."
  • "It's hard to do the edges and paint as uniformly with a boom as we can with a handgun. With a boom, you just can't cut it in like this."
  • "It takes about 5 minutes per green. Our greens are not that big, about 3,400 square feet. If you had 6,000 - 7,000 square foot greens, you might need 10-12 minutes to use a handgun. We chose a dark application for agronomic reasons at 5 gallons per 100 gallons of water." 
  • "You don't want to walk over where you've been or paint yourself in a corner, so to speak. It's not the end of the world if you step on it, it's just prettier if you don't walk on it." 
  • "We found the large tip makes it faster to apply. It got a lot faster and the job was a lot better when we turned from a medium tip to a larger tip."