"It's more of a moving target this year than any other due to so many different factors going into it, but colorant usage will definitely increase," says Seevers.
Seevers looked to the powerful influence of Endurant's longterm and new allies in the field. These include distributors such as Corbin Turf, Green Resource, Regal Chemical, Genesis Turfgrass, SiteOne Landscape Supply and Ewing Irrigation & Landscape Supply, among so many others nationally and internationally.
SiteOne and Ewing together have more than 850 stores nationwide, making Endurant turf colorants more accessible than ever.
Additionally, Nutrien Ag Solutions and Fertizona are eager to offer more solutions in the western United States as water demands increase there. Endurant turf colorants provide a viable solution to maintaining green grass year round without high water usage.
Together, Nutrien Ag and Fertizona will provide a huge field of 70 sales reps. These are more people on the ground ready to offer solutions to seed and water challenges.
Additionally, Ameriturf is another supporting distributor working with Geoponics and will offer Endurant turf colorants in their markets and popular purchasing regions.
Finally, this all means a higher demand for colorants and a need to prepare with proper inventory plans.
"There are a lot of challenges in front of us," says Kellar. "Availability of product, availability of freight to get it to you down to us. Oh my gosh prices are going to be doubled and wait times doubled. Seed will go to the highest bidder and it already has," he says. He also doesn't want to create more scare in a world full of warnings. He is planning demos and trials to share the use of Endurant turf colorants. "That will get people's motors running," he says.Use of Endurant in the landscaping market is increasing in popularity and will definitely continue to see increases, she foretells.
Again, SiteOne and Ewing, as well as other landscape supply stores, will help support that demand. Look to see Endurant's user friendly, smaller containers become a needed item to stock.
As drought conditions spread across the U.S., including the western U.S. in particular, demand for colorants and any solutions for turfgrass management increase.
The western U.S. is predicted to undergo another historically high drought this summer.
"This may push colorant sales earlier in the season than normal as well. Time will tell" says Seevers.
Perhaps the most dramatic effect on turf grass managers decision to overseed or liquid overseed is seed.
"Seed availability is limited and some distributors who have sold seed for 50+ years are more unsure than ever about the volumes they’ll be able to provide this year as well," exclaims Seevers.
"There's already a shortage in the western U.S. and that's why these distributors are clamoring to sell colorants to make up for lost revenue that is sure to ensue," she adds.
Geoponics has done all things possible to ensure availability of the Endurant products and for the anticipated increased demands. There will not be the manufacturing, raw material or order processing delays seen in other industries, if at all possible. All the prep work possible is being done to ensure Endurant remains available. Should shipping delays occur, maintaining stock for these potential increased demands is recommended, she advises.
"With increased demands, new distributors and so many challenges, I'm encouraging everyone to order well in advance," says Seevers.
Geoponics Early Order Program is the best way to prepare early and at the best prices of the year.
Although the West Coast has demand increases due to drought, the East Coast will see increased turf colorant demands as well, Seevers estimates.
"The East Coast may be the most problematic in securing the seed volumes of previous years due to transportation distances amidst the seed shortages," she says. Adding, "It's still unknown."
Seed prices are published first of July but they've already advised there's a significant monetary increase and limited supply.
Seevers isn't the only one making predictions and preparing. The USGA published an article recently to "Size Up a Seed Shortage" that will shake up the ryegrass overseeding practices.
"Many golf clubs will be faced with either the option to use colorants or be brown. They won't have much choice," says Seevers.
Geoponics remains focused on providing the quality that its Endurant line is known to offer while also providing innovation in the field.
Endurant is covering the nation in terms of availability, particularly with distributors coast to coast in the U.S., with several named above as well as others to help make Endurant available conveniently. These include Fisher & Son, Gulf Coast Organic, Landscape Supply, Sigma Organics, Winfield United, Triangle Chemical, Bulloch, ProSolutions and others. In addition to Geoponics' strong hold nationally, with Sod Solutions and World Sports, distributors are growing internationally as well. Add online sales and a growing team of sales reps, Geoponics is casting a large net.
Geoponics could not meet the growing demands for Endurant liquid overseed without these distributors.
"There most definitely is going to be an increase in turf colorant and possibly sooner than we normally expect," says Seevers.