Getting over it: Endurant versus overseed

Feb 27, 2017

Sod growers, sports field managers and golf course superintendents find Endurant turf colorants are a viable solution to use during overseed transitions or instead of overseed entirely

Turfgrass managers choose Endurant turf colorants instead of overseed for economics, aesthetics, and agronomics

Endurant sows seeds of potential for sod growers & other turfgrass professionals

Sod growers love Endurant for revolutionizing their winter sod business. Sod Solutions, innovators in natural grass, along with WinField United Pro, which provides a comprehensive line-up of research based agricultural and farming products, among others, choose Endurant turf colorants as their alternative to overseed. .#Endurant on winter sod @SodSolutions @winfieldpro #liquidoverseed #landscape #lawn #Turf Many turfgrass professionals find Endurant provides better turf, true natural color, and agronomic benefits while decreasing costs and environmental strains caused by overseeding. Overseeding requires more water usage and damage to water sources as overseeding often includes overwatering and over-fertilizing winter turf. While Endurant turf colorants aren't really anything new, more and more people in professions including agriculture, golf course management, landscaping, sod farming, real estate, sports field management, and others are learning how helpful Endurant turf color enhancers can be in a variety of conditions, including drought, dormancy, water restrictions, tight budgets, television and filming. Endurant can be used on dormant turf, actively growing grass, warm season and cool season grasses.

Ask Mr. Wise Grass about Endurant turf colorants

West Coast Turf and their sister company Western Sod have lauded the benefits of Endurant as an alternative to overseed. Mr. Wise Grass is the name of a West Coast Turf blog where a turfgrass pro named Jay posts information on everything you need to know about the best sod and turfgrass for your environment, uses, and budget. He answers common questions regarding issues surrounding grass and more technical issues that can be resolved with years of professional experience. Here's what Jay has to say about Endurant turf paint:
This product can be applied to overseeded or dormant turf to give your lawn the same ryegrass color you seeded with. The turf paint serves another purpose besides just providing color. It heats up the plant and will allow for faster spring green up in dormant turf and will help new ryegrass plants fill in any voids from the encroaching bermudagrass during seeding.
Check out more from Mr. Wise Grass.