Comparing Costs of Overseed vs Turf Colorant

Sep 17, 2021
Comparing Costs of Overseed vs Turf Colorant
When comparing costs of overseed vs turf colorant, Endurant "liquid overseed" provides a savings compared with traditional overseed.

You can easily expect a 40 to even 70 percent savings when using Endurant turf colorant instead of overseed. Further, when comparing costs of overseed vs turf colorant, saving money is only part of the equation. Fewer transitional challenges, less water and other benefits are numerous.

As warm season grass turns brown in the cooler temperatures, it's common to either overseed with a cool season grass, apply a turf colorant or do a combination of each. Applying turf colorant, painting grass and using liquid overseed are all synonymous terms. Learn more about the terms "liquid overseed" and "hybrid overseed" here.

The agronomic and environmental benefits of liquid overseed with Endurant turf colorants have been discussed in other blogs. Similarly, the benefits of increased playability on golf courses and sports fields have been covered in our other blogs.

Here though, we review the economic benefits of liquid overseed. Endurant turf colorants, also called liquid overseed, lead to significant financial savings. While many high profile golf courses do not choose to liquid overseed for the costs savings, it is a benefit. It also makes this professionals' choice in turf care accessible for small businesses, municipalities and home users.

This overseed cost comparison below is very modest because it doesn't include the costs for water, which are very high in many areas, particularly in the western U.S. We also chose to use pricing from lower cost of living areas.

Comparing Costs of Overseed vs Turf Colorant

Traditional Overseed vs. Endurant Liquid Overseed

Example of overseeding costs on 35 acres of fairways

The costs of traditional overseed with perennial rye grass are numerous. The costs also vary greatly, depending upon region. So, when reviewing the comparison, consider the actual costs for labor and fuel in your area, which may be different. In any case, expect to save 40 to 75 percent in choosing Endurant liquid overseed turf colorants in lieu of traditional overseed. These savings can be further adjusted whether completely replacing overseed with Endurant or using a bit of both in the hybrid overseed variation. Water costs in some areas greatly increase overseed costs compared with Endurant.

Traditional Overseed: Costs of Seed 2021-2022

First, seed costs are higher than ever due to decreased availability of rye grass seed. Factors for this include, but are not limited to, a severe drought in the Western U.S.

Further, rates of seed usage may be as high as more than 1,000 pounds per acre or as low as 200 pounds per acre. The savings will be greater the more seed is replaced by Endurant. Here, we stay with low to moderate seed usage price estimates to provide a very conservative savings example, perhaps more common for the Southeastern U.S. In the Western U.S., expect more than double the costs for overseed.

Seed: 400 lbs/ acre @ $1.95/ lb. = $27,300 *Not including water costs

Seed Labor

A more realistic average labor rate is likely about $15 per hour across the U.S. In some states, lower labor rates are common. In some states, labor is closer to $20 per hour average. So, this estimate below is low on seed labor, meaning Endurant could save you even more!

Prep & Seed: 45 hours/ labor @ $9.50/ hr. = $427.50

Fertilizer: Product and Labor

Product Fertilizer: 175 bags/ app. @ $25/ bag X 3 apps. = $13,125 ***

Prices for fertilizer are also on the rise.

Labor: can also be averaged to about $15 per hour, though in the Western U.S. and some other higher cost of living areas, the wages are closer to $20 per hour.

Fertilizing Labor: 3 people/ 6 hrs. @ $9.50/ hr X 3 apps. = $513 Fert. Fuel: 15 gal. / app. @ $3.95/ gal. X 3 apps. = $177.75 Mow Labor: 2 people/ 6 hrs. @ $9.50/ hr X 30 mows = $3,420 Mow Fuel: 16 gal./ mow @ $3.95/ gal. X 30 mows = $1,896

Total Overseed Cost$46,859.25 or $1,338.84/ acre 

This estimate of the cost to overseed is underestimated for most of the U.S. This is especially true because it is NOT INCLUDING THE HIGH WATER COSTS OF OVERSEED. Further, we chose to use below average cost estimates in labor and in all categories for most of the U.S. just to keep estimates conservative. This estimate shows what you may expect to save in the Southeastern U.S. and provides a gauge for across the nation. The percentage savings will hold true almost everywhere.

Costs of Painting Turf Grass with Endurant Liquid Overseed Turf Colorant on 35 acres of Fairways

Endurant Turf Colorant Product Costs

Product costs will differ slightly based on Early Order Programs or other promotions. Endurant costs also are lower for high quantities. Nonetheless, as an average estimate for large purchases and applications:

Endurant turf colorant applied at a rate of 5 gal. / acre @ $60 gal. X 2 apps. = $21,000

Cost of Labor to Apply Endurant Turf Colorant

Spraying: 1 person, 16 hours @ $12.50/ hr X 2 apps. = $400 (Labor could be higher, such as $20 per hour, but even so, the estimates show the cost of Endurant is about 1/3 of what it would cost in labor associated with overseed.)

Total Endurant Cost: $21,400 or $611.42/ acre

Bottom Line: Comparing Costs of Overseed vs Turf Colorant

Total Savings: $25,009.25 or $727.42/ acre


Even at conservative estimates, expect to save 50 percent with Endurant "Liquid Overseed" versus Traditional Overseed.