Q&A with Ewing: Benefits of Endurant Turf Colorants for Overseed, Water & Fungus

Sep 13, 2021
Before is brown grass on the right of the sidewalk and on the left is after applying Endurant turf colorant at Lakewood Ranch in Sarasota Florida
A before and after picture of Endurant PR Turf Colorant at Lakewood Ranch in Sarasota, Florida

Greg Johnson of Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply shares the benefits of Endurant turf colorants. First, benefits include overcoming seed prices and shortages. Next, Endurant allows for minimizing water challenges by requiring less of it for optimal results. Also, Endurant turf colorants have been an excellent solution to overcoming appearance problems caused by fungus, Johnson said. Finally, all this means better results for turf grass and minimal negative effects on the environment.

How did you hear about Endurant?

The first time I heard about Endurant it was through Tim Haskins at the Quarry. He was using Geoponics organic products. As he added paint to the program, I got interested in Endurant that way.

What challenges were being faced that led you to use Endurant?

Before I joined Ewing as account manager at the Naples branch, I had a company that designed, installed and maintained lawns and landscapes. As zoysia became more common in landscapes, so too did fungus and fungicides. So, due to disease issues with Empire zoysia in Florida every winter, we had an option of spraying fungicides or an alternative to that with Endurant as an add-on service.

We just realized we couldn't do the fungicide treatments often enough. Every two weeks became very expensive.

How did Endurant help with the appearance of brown patch fungus?

One of the benefits of Endurant is getting the best appearance even in the case of a fungus very quickly and for a long time. We would just paint the lawn and be good for the entire season. We were able to cut back on water, stop spraying fungicides and still give the customer the green lawn they loved.

Also, read how another Ewing Irrigation customer built Endurant into their program for their high-end lawn care customers.

How does Endurant compare to other turf and grass paint products you've used in the past?

The best thing about Endurant to me is the realism in the color. The second thing is the longevity. Then, there's the value for the money. Endurant stays there on the turf until you mow it off. (Need extra staying power for sports turf or pets, check out Spray n Stay.)

I have a golf background, so I've tried other grass paints. They didn't last. They were kind of blue. We just used that kind before Endurant was available to minimally cover up some bad spots on the golf course temporarily.

I had such good success with the Endurant Perennial Rye, I stuck with it.

Why did you choose Endurant Perennial Rye or Endurant PR, specifically?

Endurant PR has that light lime green color and so does zoysia. It works well in South Florida.

What are other benefits of Endurant turf colorants you share with Ewing customers?

You're recouping all the money you would have spent on the fungicides and it still wouldn't look as nice as it does with Endurant. Even if you treat and suppress the fungus, it's not going to look better without Endurant.

Compared with overseed, Endurant makes way more sense. This year is a good year for Endurant. Some people can't get seed.

In a recent blog, Ewing also writes about Endurant as an alternative to overseed with increased seed prices, decreased seed availability, cost of fertilizers increasing and water demands heightened.

Endurant can be used as "liquid overseed" or "hybrid overseed," to use some seed and some colorant for the best of both. Check out the TurfPaint blog on those terms and application styles.

What advice would you give to Ewing customers and others using Endurant for lawns or turf grass susceptible to fungus?

If you put the paint down before the disease gets to be a big problem, the customer will never know the problem was there. They'll never know whether you even had the disease or not.

Is Endurant as good for golf as it is for home lawns?

On the golf course, guys have to get the course tournament-ready. Another of the benefits of Endurant is that it helps sports field managers to get game-day ready turf. Similarly, the house has to be tournament ready when the customer pulls in the driveway. They need that curb appeal.

Especially in Florida, when the customers comes down from up north, if it looks great, they will leave you alone for the season. They'll pick on the pool guy, or whoever wasn't ready.

How are things at Ewing and how are customers responding to Endurant?

It's great to be at Ewing, just 9 months now. It's a different mindset. I was on the other side and I didn't appreciate salesmen that much. It's great to get a whole new mindset.

Most people coming to the Ewing here are using Endurant for the same reason I did. I'm trying to pass the word along to people not aware of it north of us in Florida.

What other tips do you have for Endurant turf colorant users and Ewing customers on how to paint grass?

  • Cut in edges with a backpack sprayer.
  • Be careful not to spray Endurant anywhere you don't want it.
  • Keep the big wand or ride-on sprayer far from the edges.
  • Keep the nozzle close to the ground on the edges, so you don't miss and get paint on the sidewalk or brick.
  • Lean or angle a disc or wheel sprayer a bit toward the grass when working the edges.
  • Use suggested mix rates and application instructions from the label.
  • Keep off grass, including dogs, for two days. Tell the housekeeper and the kids, too.
  • "Try Endurant the first time. Once you do, you're not going to turn back."