When we celebrate Earth Day, we mean it. Geoponics is lowering the environmental footprint of golf courses, the golf industry, athletic fields, home lawns and farms.
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Earth Day 2017: Using Geoponics products, including surfactants & Endurant turf colorants, is measurably decreasing the environmental footprint in golf.[/caption]
Endurant turf colorants replaced the old common environmentally costly practice of overseed. Endurant is lowering the environmental footprint of golf by reducing the practices of overseeding, including overwatering and over fertilizing. While Endurant gained in popularity over the course of 10 years, overseeding practices declined by 50 percent in the same 10 year period, according to Golf Management Magazine and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.
The effect on the golf industry alone has been dramatic as indicated by recent studies.
Geoponics has expanded to offering more alternatives to home users whose lawn care practices can have an even more dramatic effect due to their collective acreage.
One of the leading ways Geoponics has calculably influenced the U.S. environmentally is decreasing the practice of overseed dramatically over the past 10 years.
Endurant turf colorant has become the most popular alternative to overseed.
Overseeding includes overwatering, over fertilizing and over utilization of harsh chemicals. Geoponics has provided an alternative with Endurant turf colorants that has caught on throughout the industry in-part leading to a 50 percent decrease in the practice of overseeding in the golf industry since 2005, as reported by leaders of the Golf Course Superintendent Association of America in the April 2017 issue of
Golf Course Management Magazine. More source details and information from the GCSAA & GCM
Using Geoponics products to maintain turfgrass will help everyone to live longer on this planet. Using less water, fewer harsh chemicals and less fertilizer is a huge part of the sustainability of our planet. Not only using less water, but also discontinuing practices that greatly harm the quality of existing waterways.
Harsh chemicals are leading to zones of death within the ocean, damaged drinking water and numerous ill effects on people, animals and the earth.
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Left: 2016 overseed. Right: 2017 Endurant turf colorant. Golf course superintendents save money, water, overseed, fertilizer and other harsh chemicals by choosing Endurant instead of overseed.[/caption]
The worst part is that these chemicals aren't needed to grow healthy green grass. Water usage could be cut drastically using alternative methods. At times, such as drought and winter dormancy, attaining green grass is best using a colorant rather than fighting the effects of nature.
Endurant turf colorants are long lasting. Colorants can last up to 3 months depending on rate of growth, frequency of mowing and other factors. Check out
turfpaint.net for more information about Endurant.
Contact your Geoponics sales rep or Geoponics directly at 1-877-ECO-GROW, info@geoponicscorp.com, to begin growing healthier turf more sustainably. Starting today, make Earth Day everyday.